速報APP / 攝影 / Photo Painting Effects

Photo Painting Effects





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Photo Painting Effects(圖1)-速報App

"Photo Painting Effects" helps you to make your photos like paintings

This application is very easy to use and totally free on store . There here is many sketch and painting effects in this application you can use anyone from them. you can also make pencil sketches of your photos easily by using this application "photo painting effects".

There is many cartoon effects in this application you can apply anyone from them .

( ! )"Photo Painting Effects"


Photo Painting Effects(圖2)-速報App

1) painting effects.

2) sketch effects.

3) pencil sketch effects.

4) oil painting effects.

5) water painting effects.

Photo Painting Effects(圖3)-速報App

6) color sketch effects.

7) black and white effects.

8) you can crop your photos easily.

9) you can share your photos easily on social media.

10) you can save your photos in mobile gallery easily.

Photo Painting Effects(圖4)-速報App

"Photo Painting Effects"

(This application is totally free and sported by ad's.)

Photo Painting Effects(圖5)-速報App